If there is one absolute constant pertaining to fashion, it is the fact that it is always changing& sometimes rapidly, sometimes slowly, but it is never static or dormant. 如果存在着一种符合流行的绝对永恒,那就是流行是永远在变化着的这一事实,(这种变化)时快、时慢,但绝不会固定下来或呈休止状态。
Ive never seen anything like this before with statements being printed as absolute fact that were absolute rubbish and attributed in most cases to unnamed sources. 我以前从未见过这样的事情:媒体随便将一些东西当作确凿的事实发表,这些完全是胡说八道,且大多数情况下,这些都被说成是来自未具名的消息人士。
Development is an absolute principle and it is an irrefutable fact also. 发展才是硬道理,这是不争的事实。
The way of asserting medical negligence is that absolute responsibility is imposed on the medical workers in fact, unfavorable to the development of medical science and progress of social life. 对医疗过失的认定方式无异于对医务人员课以事实上的绝对责任,不利于医学的发展及社会生活的进步。
Absolute value as objectivity is a problem of fact, meanwhile the meaning or value of existence of thing determines the fact of categorical essence of thing as well as the relation as Li among things. 绝对价值作为客观性就是事实问题,同时事物存在的意义或价值决定事物的类本质及事物之间关系的理这一事实。
Although ECOTECH has nominally equal position to TILF in APEC, it is an absolute fact that the development of ECOTECH is much slower than that of TILF. 虽然两者在名义上拥有相同的地位,但是经济技术合作的发展远落后于贸易投资自由化却是一个不争的事实。
Internet as a new generation of mass media has been absolute fact. 互联网成为新一代大众传播媒体,己是不争的事实。
The existence of the education info island has already become the absolute fact and opinions about the reason and way to solve vary so much. 教育信息孤岛的存在已经成为不争的事实,关于其产生原因及解决之道众说纷纭。
The two algorithms, absolute difference and cross correlation are compared in theory and in computing time based on the fact that the lunar surface is low contrast and extended source. 接着,针对月面为低对比度扩展光源这一特点,在理论上讨论了实时分离大气倾斜量的互相关函数法和绝对差分算法的算法原理和运算量的比较。
There is an absolute fact that there is Marxist philosophy with chinese characteristics, its only way to get success exists in the unity of practise with science. 马克思主义哲学在我国经历了一个中国化的过程,时至今日,这一过程仍在延续之中。反思历史经验,实践性与科学性的高度统一,是马克思主义哲学中国化取得成功的必由之路。
The theory of information asymmetry is a core content of the research on micro economics of information. Information asymmetry is not only absolute, but also a common and objective fact. 信息不对称理论是微观信息经济学研究的一个核心内容,信息不对称性不仅是绝对的,而且是普遍存在的一个客观事实。
To solve anxious difficult position, the author then elaborated the existence courage, absolute belief. Absolute belief in fact is the ultimate concern. 为解决人的焦虑困境,蒂里希提出了存在的勇气与绝对信仰,而绝对信仰实际上就是终极关怀。
From the angle of functional theory, modern hermeneutics and of reception aesthetics, the text is not the absolute center of translation and translation, in fact, is the communication or dialogue between text and its translators ( readers). 根据功能对等理论,现代阐释学和接受理论,文本并不是翻译中至高无上的唯一中心,翻译实际上是文本与译者(读者)之间的交流和对话。
Engelhardt asserts that he has never advocated the absolute value of personal choices. We have to resort to human beings as the source of moral authority due to the fact that we have ceased to receive grace from God and the collapse of moral project in Enlightenment. 恩格尔哈特本人认为,他从未主张个人选择具有最重要的价值,只是由于我们无法继续得到上帝的恩典而且启蒙运动的道德工程已经坍塌,我们才不得不求助人来作为道德的权威。
The gradual deterioration of ecological environment is an absolute fact. Every responsible person concerns about the ecological crisis which arrivals increasingly unavoidable of the 21st century. 生态环境的逐渐恶化已经是一个不争的事实,每一个有责任心的人都不可回避的关注这个逐渐到来的21世纪的生态危机。
However, on simply to belong to a school of poetry and the absolute, is biased, in fact he on two poets have contribution. 然而将张籍简单地归属于任何一个诗派并把其绝对化,则有失偏颇,实际上他对两个诗派都有贡献。